Spring is coming on at Bang-A-Song, so let’s talk about what has gesprungen here!
In The Studio:
John Jerome is back for more. Jon Butcher produced and produced. Second Balcony Jump made their third record. CRUNCHTIME didn’t rush it. Koi Wolf slathered a lamb in Texas hot sauce. Lisa Manning made us cry. Telamor had me channel Thunders. Hemway had me channel the Wind. The Dazies expanded an ep to an album. Geoff Small employed many 7ths. Allen Estes brought some beautiful acoustic guitars down. Glympses brought some beautiful electric guitars down. Rob McLocklin practiced his Kowloon set. Suriel tracked into the night. Mr. Fox captured Medusa on tape. Bradley Royds transferred a 39 year old cassette. The Lebarons were good. Sunset Taxicab started a ride. Mari Martin sang on the Elvis mic. Kim Blisard edited the dance. Mike Parsons brought the 90’s back in the form of Neon 90’s. Dan King prepped for the return of the Monday Night Jam.
New Releases:
CRUNCHTIME had their CD Release at a Midway Matinee: Outsourced b/w Situation Out Of Control. You can stream and buy here.
Keeping up with his single-per-month club,Telamor released “Rattle My Cage” (with Tony Goddess on guitar), “Friday Crazy Night“, and “Beautiful To Me“. (Available on all music services.)
Matt Rhodes has released “Into The Black” as well as its official music video which can be found here.
Glympses released their official video for the track “Medicine Man“. Check it out here!
Second Balcony Jump released “Take This Ring” featuring John Jerome.
Jones Creek‘s new 4-song EP “Whiskey and Women” is available on Spotify and all music services.
Tony pitched in some guitar flourishes that Paul Sanni used in a Woodstock documentary trailer. Check it out here.