In The Studio: March 2015

The Instinct trusted theirs and ours on the way to their 2nd Bang-A-Song recorded LP.  Donald Freyleue finished up a long awaited 2-song single.  Jon Butcher continued to drive his 2 Roads East.  Nate Weaver and Brittany Betts got their Bang-A-Saturday session in.  Telamor recorded some more.  Heavy Denims laid down the glam. Lisa Manning committed more musical poetry to tape.  PRAY for MOJO had their prayers answered.  Daniel Dye left the Miller Road Band back home in Ohio to record some solo songs.  Geoff Small made music for his Electric EarsThe A Train Orchestra swung back in.  The Absolute Gentleman mixed an absolute smash.  Willie Loco Alexander sequenced his big 10″.  Hot Lemon squeezed out all the juice from a long weekend session.  wrensoundChelsea Berry cut one and done in a fortnight. The Rockport Middle School Chamber Music ensembles brought the clarinets and cellos to record their original songs.

Finally, Bang-A-Song‘s own Warren Babson released a new record: Wren Sound. We might be biased but WE LOVE IT! Pick it up via iTunes here.

New Releases from Bang-A-Song: November 2014

Here’s a list of recent albums that we’ve had the pleasure of working on at Bang-A-Song.  Click the name of the artist to read more about the artist, or click the name of the album to download or purchase the album.

TelamorValentine to the Future and Straight Shots
Willie Loco Alexander and the RaztonesRaztonia Volume 1
Mara BettencourtEclectic Soul
Jon Butcher AxisExperienced
The InstinctFake It
Anna RaeHigh Stakes
Alien Psychology: Alien Psychology on Sound Cloud
Renee and JoeSteal You Flowers
Kenny Chambers and Electric Ears: Someday You’ll Be King

valentine to the futurestraight shotsraztoniamara bettencourt eclectic soulTHEINSTINCTFAKEITanna rae high stakes renee and joe steal you flowers someday you'll be kingelectric candyland

And although it wasn’t recorded at Bang-A-Song, it was recorded *impeccably* by Ed Valauskas at Q Division, and Sam and Tony are sprinkled throughout, so…a big shoutout for “Electric Candyland” from Jenny Dee and the Deelinquents.  The album smokes, the bonus tracks that accompany it will rock your socks off (and be familiar to anyone who’s seen the Dees live), and there are even some glam new tees at Dee Store.

In The Studio: Aug/Sep/Oct 2014

Satch Kerans is mixing another great collection of songs.  Telamor is already at work on LP3.  Mary Lou Lord is this close to finishing her next record.  Kenny Chambers and the Electric Ears have finished their debut LP and sent it out for mastering. Pocket Tanya is keeping it unreal. Renee and Joe are warming our hearts out. The A-Train Orchestra are getting there fast. Susan Waller transferred tapes taped at the legendary Cameron’s. Pray for Mojo had their prayers answered. Mike Francis of Soul Rebel Project did some extracurricular overdubs for Mr. Babson. Scout did tracks on his own. Alien Psychology featuring Scout are working on tracks together. Jason Carpenter worked on his mixing skills. Chelsea Berry is recording her “living room” record. Megan McKenzie is making SAFETY happen. Jon Butcher is teaching us a thing or two about tone!

And then, right in the cracks between “In The Studio: July 2014” and “In The Studio: Aug/Sep/Oct 2014“, came this guy: Linwood “Woody” Becker Goddess.  We’re happy to have him!

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In The Studio: June 2014

Tom Hauck and Telamor are wrapping up LP 2.  Jon Butcher is overdubbing on masters and demos.  Mary Lou Lord is kicking her Kickstarter album.  Kenny Chambers and the Electric Ears are rocking and popping throughout their first record together.  Ken Steiner is recording upright for Robert Allen down in FLA.  Renee & Joe are growing another album. Satch Kerans is wrapping up another batch of hits.

In The Studio: September/October 2013

The Electric Ears should use earplugs they are jamming so loud!  The Daniel Dye and the Miller Road Band record is getting mixed in the box.  Sister Kathy’s 20-song-80-minute opus got the kids vocal treatment and has moved on to mix.  Paul Catania continues to record Pocket TanyaTom Hauck is laying down rekkid #3.  Meg Griffin brought Willie Nile in for another Sirius/XM session.  Anna Rae is mixing her new record on the board.  Dan King just did some analog processing on his KBMG mixes.  Lisa Manning is laying down more song poems.  Rob Garfield continues to mine his profession for music.  The Lindsey Buckingham Appreciation Society and Marina Evans used Studio B for fine tuning.

In The Studio: June 2013

  • Mark Pelosi recorded vocals by himself in the control room through a Bang A Song signal chain.
  • Sister Kathy cut 20 basics and the overdubs have begun.
  • Alise Ashby voiced her compositions through a Bang A Song signal chain.
  • The Mercy Case’s next batch is getting mixed.
  • The Electric Ears turned small amps up very loud.
  • Jon Hardy is about to transition to records Mexican Ape Lord BASS.